1. One game per week, one week to play it.
2. You can change deck every week, if you want.
3. All games are expected to be played on The Iron Throne
4. Game configurations (on The Iron Throne) should be decided between the 2 paired players (allow specs, mute specs, show hands, password, time limit, etc.). Usually, this League have no time limit, and we encourage to allow spectators for support (judge/organizer, if needed).
5. The pairings are done on the Monday of each week and you have until the Sunday night of that week to play your game. The pairings will be on Jousting Pavilion and an announcement will be done via Email and on Discord.
6. This League usually have 6 rounds of Swiss. To make the cut, you need 4 wins. Depending on the number of players at 4 wins, an elimination round (round 7) might be necessary to determine the top16 (round 8).
7. The winner reports the game. Each win is worth 5 points. Modified wins are not used in this League.
8. You are responsible to contact your opponent via Discord or Email to schedule your game. We recommend communicating with your opponent early in the week when the pairings are done, offerring enough time flexibility to play your game, based on everyone's life reality. Your opponent info can be found on our Contact Sheet. By accessing the Contact Sheet, you consent to make good use of the personal data of others. That information should only be used for the purpose of the Champions of Westeros League.
9. You can play any legal deck you wish. New cards are legal as soon as they are released on The Iron Throne.
10. The Restricted List (RL) might change during a Season. We will announce in due time when the change takes effect, if any. You are responsible to update your deck(s). If you win a game with an illegal deck, you will be receiving a loss.
11. This league attracts players from around the world. By joining you are committing to playing 1 game per week, with enough time flexibility to play your game, for around 6 to 10 weeks. Keep in mind that not everyone lives in your time zone and you may occasionally have to play at weird times. Truly consider whether you can make this commitment before joining. Of course, you can drop at any time.
12. Availability and vacation: Again, since this league attracts players from around the world, it may occur that a player has vacation. If you are in vacation during a week, please contact your opponent as soon as possible to plan your game mentioning that you have vacation during that week. If the window of play is too short in time or doesn't fit for your opponent, the player on vacation should give up the win, based on his/her unavailability due to vacation (which follows point #11 above: "committing to playing 1 game per week with enough time flexibility").
13. Failure to show for 2 concecutive games will result in a player being dropped (removed from the tournament, without notice). We may drop you if you recuringly miss the 1st game of the 1st week, based on past Seasons.
14. If you are the 1st player to contact your opponent (Email + Discord, if any), early in the week and offer enough time flexibility to play your game and don't receive any answer/feedback by Thursday night (GMT), you may take the win (5 points). If you and your opponent didn't contact each other soon enough earlier in the week and both players didn't communicate with the organizers about their game, we will delete your table for that round, without notice. If you and your opponent can’t schedule a match for any reason, please contact us as soon as possible on the Friendly Open Discord Server or via Email.
15. If your opponent is more than 20 minutes late to a scheduled game, you should check with your opponent via Discord and/or Email to see if you didn't made a timezone mistake or if your opponent forgot to show up or life stuff. If you have no answer, you can take a full win (5 points).
16. If one player disconnects during a game and is unable to reconnect (check Discord and Email), please contact us as soon as possible on Discord or via Email. We might allow to either restart a new game right away, reschedule or report a win. Either way, both players must play the same decklist they played before the disconnect. Disconnecting when losing is not allowed in order to have a rematch or re-schedule.
17. On occasions, we will delete tables if we don't receive answers from players or players couldn't find a time to play. In the rare event of a dispute between two players, the decision of the tournament organizers is final. In the super rare event of a dispute between us and someone else, the decision of the ad hoc mediator is final.
18. Have fun, be Friendly and Open to each other!
Done reading? Continue on the ABOUT page or FAQ page if you have further questions.